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Readings: AWS: API, Dynamo and Lambda

AWS API Gateway Overview

What is Amazon API Gateway?

Amazon API Gateway is a managed service that allows developers to define the HTTP endpoints of a REST API or a WebSocket API and connect those endpoints with the corresponding backend business logic.

(So basically it condenses backend work and simplifies the process of a backend.)

Why is Amazon API Gateway an important part of the Serverless ecosystem?

Having the ability to execute a serverless function directly in response to an HTTP request is the selling point of API Gateway

How does API Gateway integrate with other AWS services?

AWS Lambda: run Lambda functions to generate HTTP API responses.

AWS SNS: publish SNS notifications when an HTTP API endpoint is accessed.

Amazon Cognito: provide authentication and authorization for your HTTP APIs.

AWS API Gateway

What are the some benefits of using Amazon API Gateway?\

Ones that matter to me as a student dev.

-Easy monitoring -RESTful API options -Efficient API development

What two API types might you choose from?

AWS DynamoDB Guide

What is DynamoDB?

is a hosted NoSQL database offered by AWS

Under what circumstances would you recommend DynamoDB over MongoDB?

Applications that require fast and large scalabity in small succession time. Serverless application support and simple datas ets with access patterns.

AWS DynamoDB

Explain to a non-technical friend how DynamoDB works.

serverless, key-value NoSQL database designed to run that is highly scalabe.


What is Dynamoose?

It is a modeling tool for Amazon’s DynamoDb.

What are some key features of Dynamoose?

Ability to transform data before saving or retrieving items Strict data modeling (validation, required attributes, and more) Support for DynamoDB Transactions Powerful Conditional/Filtering Support