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AWS S3 and Lambda


What is Amazon S3?

It is Amazon simple storage service.

Name some use cases for Amazon S3.

-Run cloud-native applications -Archive data at the lowest cost -Back up and restore critical data -Build a data lake

Name some benefits of using Amazon S3.

-Extremely secure service -(relatively) Easy to navigate GUI for it’s complexity.

AWS Lambda Basics

What is AWS Lambda?

AWS Lambda create functions, self-contained applications written in one of the supported languages and runtimes

Name some use cases for AWS Lambdas.

individual tasks run for a short time; each task is generally self-contained; there is a large difference between the lowest and highest levels in the workload of the application.

Describe “serverless” to a non-technical friend.

Serverless means that Lambda runs on its own service rather. So that things you can make can still exist and be built without the actual project being there.


What is a CDN?

A content delivery network.

How does a CDN work with relation to the website visitor?

They will connect to the closest server location in relation to the visitor.

What are the benefits of employing a CDN?

It will speed up information delievery and it will also protect against certain kinds of cyber attacks.