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AWS Cloud Servers


What is an EC2 Instance?

EC2 is a service that enables business subscribers to run application programs in the computing environment. Essentially a limitless VM instance.

Name 2 use cases for EC2.

-Host a variety of software from simple web sites to enterprise-grade web applications on a on-demand infrastructure.

-If you want flexible load balancing options.

Provide 1 reason to use ECS instead of a service such as Heroku, Digital Ocean, or

-EC2 is perfect for a pay for what you use rather than being a subscription based service.

EC2 For Humans

Elastic Compute cloud.

Where can we find EC2 on the AWS Console?

It is on the AWS main console under the compute section.

the general difference between T2 Micro and XL.

So T2 Micro allows you to host small services and limited functionality. While, XL is used for hosting multiple instances and multiple web applications while it has the capacity and specifications.

Explain a “Compute Cycle” to a non-technical friend.

So think a compute cycle is like comparing your brain to your mental bandwidth. Just imagine breaking down the process of being able to get instructions, reading a task and a performing it.

Elastic Beanstalk

What is Elastic Beanstalk?

It is a hosting enviroment that can hosts a plethora of AWS tools.

Describe the relationship between EC2 and Elastic Beanstalk.

Elastic Beanstalk has the ability to run multiple instances of EC2 within it. While EC2 can be multiple instances of VM

Name some benefits of using Elastic Beanstalk.

It leverages and grants the ability to run multiple features of AWS and has support for multiple language.