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5 steps to RBAC

What is Role Based Access Control (RBAC) and why do we care?

Is the concept of assigning system access to users based on their role within an organization. We care so because it allow there to be a restrictions on the certain access a user has the ability to access.

Describe a Role/Permission heirarchy that you might implement using RBAC.

A role hierachy that I would implement would be between the customer who can only read, employee deletes and reads, and the manager would be able to read, create, delete, and update.

What approach might you take to implement RBAC?

You will need to evaluate your workforce and certain roles, and make it where you can adjust and modify roles ass needed.

wiki - RBAC

If Authentication is “you are who you say you are,” what is Authorization?

Authorization is essential the you hold the credentials to perform this action.

Name three primary rules defined for RBAC.

According to wikipedia these are the following rules.

Role assignment: A subject can exercise a permission only if the subject has selected or been assigned a role.

Role authorization: A subject’s active role must be authorized for the subject. With rule 1 above, this rule ensures that users can take on only roles for which they are authorized.

Permission authorization: A subject can exercise a permission only if the permission is authorized for the subject’s active role. With rules 1 and 2, this rule ensures that users can exercise only permissions for which they are authorized.

Describe RBAC to a non-technical friend.

Role based access control is essentially the same concept between an employee and a manager, a manager has the ability to write schedules and fire and hire people, while an employee can only do certain tasks like only their role for example!


RBAC tutorial

What Are access rights Associated with? The User? or The Role? Explain.

It asscociated with the Role that they carry, this is so that if someone changes roles or leaves the authorization can be revoked.

Access Rights, or Authorization, is activated after a user successfully does what?

After the user is authenicated the server will give them their role based privilege.

Explain how RBAC might benefit a business.

This makes it easy to keep track of whos performing what, perfect for audits, management and overall saving time.


What are your learning goals after reading and reviewing the class README?

To be prepared for implementation of proper RBAC so I have familiarity in the workforce.

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