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Readings: Express, NPM, TDD, CI/CD


An introduction to NodeJS and Express

Explain middleware, answer as though I were a non-technical recruiter.

Middleware essentially is like an addition to the overall product. Think of it like car. A car has factory settings and parts that make it run in a certain way. But middleware comes in as an addition (like a bigger turbo) to help modify and allow the it to run beyond its capability.

Is the most popular backend framework for Node.js.

Express is “unopinionated.” What does that mean?

Express is unopinionated therefore it means that there is no correct way to go about using the frame work.

What is a module and why is modularity useful to us as developers?

Modularity is very important in terms of reusability, efficency, and keeping bugs from appearing as frequently.

What is NPM?

NPM is node’s package manager it allows the user to bring in additional capabilities to Node via an command

What version of npm are you running on your machine?

Node.js v19.1.0

What command would you type to install a library/package called ‘jshint’ into your node project?

npm install jshint

What is TDD?

TDD stands for test driven development. Its when software is required to be tested before being fully development.

Explain why tests are important. Please explain as though I were your non technical elder.

Tests are important because think of it like manufacturing, you are making a pencil, you dont want to make the world best pencil without testing its weaknesses, or verifying it’s quality.

What are three expected benefits of testing

Name at lest 2 individual pitfalls and at least 2 team pitfalls commonly encountered while writing tests.

2 individual pitfalls are forgetting to run the test, or writing to many at once.

2 team pit falls include, only some team members use TDD, or abandoned test suites.


What are three benefits of Continuous Integration?

-It catches bugs -It reduces merge conflicts -Ensures change intergration.

What is the difference between Continuos Delivery and Continuous Deployment?

-Allows you to release at any time with minimal downtime, while continous deployment comes from a more secure background with minimal risk of bringing down production if there is an error.

Explain how GitHub fits into this process assuming the listener comes from a non-technical background

You make a wooden chair at your home, you want to share your work with your friends, but need someone to help you share it with your friends, rather than drive to each of your friends house to show them the changes, Github uses webhooks which let you know what gets updated and when, its like if you were to share on a site oh this part of my chair is done and this is what i did. You can use these instances to see where your chair needs work, like oh your legs are uneven or that chair looks uncomfortable. This saves time and gives you feedback on the go.

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