
Reading notes about code for my future reference.

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The Power of a Growth Mindset.

I have always believed that we are victims of our own minds. We are our worst critics. I have come to especially learn that throughout the last few days of 301. I knew what the test consisted of and I have proven through assignments that I was capable, unfortunately, I doubted myself and eventually got into my head and after failing my first attempt for the test. I felt so dumb and defeated.

I didn’t realize it until after the fact but our mind is powerful in steering us in directions that we least expect it to. I spent the entire weekend prior studying and evaluating my week points and after many hours, I realized the weakness came from my self doubt and that I just needed a little bit of work on my class component handling. But overall I overcame the difficulty, I will take this mindset and apply it in the forthcoming obstacles in 401. The main takeaway is that anyone is capable of learning anything, its just a matter of patience, dedication, and learning from failure.

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