
Reading notes about code for my future reference.

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Reading 14

Consider the history: That Time When Women Stopped Coding

What occurred during the same time as the beginning of the decline of women in computer science?

Computers were marketed as a masculine activity in the past and there was a real push in cultural aspects that influenced people to believe that it was a ‘boy’ field. Many boys grew up with computers in their home. This created an access and knowledge gap between genders.

Why does it matter that males had been playing on computers growing up?

They had access to tools earlier in life that weren’t the cultural norm for other genders.

Ask the question: Why diversity matters to your tech company

When are diversity efforts most successful?

When they are driven by a commitment from company leaders!

Why do diverse companies perform better?

They don’t miss out on talent from these under represented backgrounds. They have better connections with more of their user base.

Give an example of how a diverse company can serve a diverse user base or vise-versa.

There naturally comes a cultural connection for example if there is some LGBTQ+ representation in a company, the features and cultural outreach becomes much more diverse and improved overtime. Its not just the LGBTQ+ community but also from ethnic and racial representation as well.

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