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Reading Class #12

Status Codes Based On REST Methods

What each group status means.

100’s = Informational status codes. They tell the client that the header part of the request has been recieved. If it fails it will utilize a different status code.

200’s = These are success codes. They tell the client if their request has been accepted.

300’s = These are redirection codes. They tell the client that its request was accepted.

400’s = These are redirection codes. They tell the client that the resource that they’re requesting isn’t at the expected location.

500’s = These are client error codes. They handle invalid server requests.

What is a status code 202?

A status code 202 means that the request is valid. But it’s processing will occur in the future.

What is a status code 308?

A status code 308 is a permanent redirect.

This means that the clients requested content is being hosted in a new location!

What code would you use if an update didn’t return data to a client?

You would use 204 No content.

What code would you use if a resource used to exist but no longer does?


What is the ‘Forbidden’ status code?

Status code 403 Not Found.

Why do we need to pull our MongoDB database string out of our server and put it into our .env? This is what allows your server to see and interact with your database. Without it the result is empty objects or arrays.

What is middleware?

Middleware is software that provides common services and capabilities to applications outside of what’s offered by the operating system.

What does app.use(express.json()) do? Its a built in function for middleware that only parses JSON and only looks at the requests where the content-type header matches the type option.

What does the /:id mean in a route? Its a dynamic variable that changes to whatever the id is put in after the first slash.

What is the difference between PUT and PATCH? PUT is an update to an entire resource where as Patch is an update to partial of the resource.

How do you make a default value in a schema? By inputting empty string markers!

What does a 500 error status code mean? It means that the server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

What is the difference between a status 200 and a status 201? 200 OK means everything that went through is good and accepted where as. 202 Accepted means that the requested was accepted but still processing.

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