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Reading Assignment 14

CSS Transforms

What does a CSS transform allow the developer to do to an element?

The CSS transform allows developers ways to position and alter their CSS elements. It can be used to provide alterative ways for position, size, and change elements.

Provide an example of a transform and how you could see that being used on a website.

I can think of a transform as a rain overlay for a website that specializes in selling water. The rain would just be a loop of a rain assets moving across the screen and if they could loop said animation it would look as if rain were falling!

CSS Transitions & Animations

What does a CSS transition allow the developer to do to an element?

With transitions you have the given ability to alter appearance of a change of state. Such as when a user is hovering over, targeting or focused on.

How does a CSS animation differ from a CSS transition?

The difference between animations and transitions are that animations allow the appearance and behavior of an element to continually change from state to state.

8 simple CSS3 transitions that will wow your users

What are some benefits to using CSS transitions on websites?

Using these CSS transitions on websites are very versatile in the sense that encourages user interaction, it can grab a users attention, and it can even encourage a aura of professionalism if used correctly.

How this topic fit in with your long-term goals?

I’m thinking about the eventual creation of my portfolio, a page all about me and my work. I really want to use animations to convey my story and most importantly the skills that I have acquired through out my life.

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