
Reading notes about code for my future reference.

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Reading Assignment: 10


What Went Wrong? Troubleshooting JavaScript.

Name some key differences between a Syntax Error and a Logic Error.

Syntax Errors: These are errors that are typos in code. They break your entire code or only parts. As long as youc an read the code they are no issue.

Logic Errors: These are errors, when you don’t have typos in your code. But the code is doesn’t function as intended. These can be harder to debug as they do not point to signs of error!

List a few types of errors that you have encountered in past lab assignments and explain how you were able to correct them.

I have had many syntax errors. Embarrassing ocurences when I have invited over a TA and then found out I was missing a simple semicolon. Or even mismatching the ID on an element which completely made my entire page break those errors are scary!

I have also had logical errors where I couldn’t figure out what was wrong. For sometimes for 30 mins at a time and I was adamant in figuring out the issue. But it turns out that the sequence is javascript is usually an important factor in solving these issues.

How will this topic continue to influence your long term goals?

I want to push my self to become self sustainable. Capable of figuring out problems on my own without requiring the assistance of or supervisors. I also fully believe that debugging is a very important skill to have as a dev! I going to practice more debugging just to get better!

The JavaScript Debugger

How would you describe the JavaScript Debugger tool and how it works to someone just starting out in software development?

The Debugging tool is like an xray that you can set to look at specific points of code. You can put led on the code (figuratively) over certain sections to block out the part you wish to ignore! You can also ramp up power on specific parts in you wish to observe.

Define what a breakpoint is. What is the call stack?

The break point is a point in which you want to pause a point of code execution. It will filter out the rest of the code. The Call Stack is the section of code that was called to get to a certain line of code. It can only be used while code is running!

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