
Reading notes about code for my future reference.

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Reading Assignment 5


  1. What is a real world use case for the alt attribute being used in a website?

A real life case of an attribute being used in a website is if someone has a slow connection and they can’t load!

  1. How can you improve accessibility of images in an HTML document?

You can improve accesbility by using a screen reader function, to read aloud the content that is being display for the visually impaired. If the browser doesn’t support the image you can utilize which displays an image’s alt as texts!

  1. Provide an example of when the figure element would be useful in an HTML document.

The figure element can be useful if you want the ability to move content without affect the flow of other content.

  1. Describe the difference between a gif image and an svg image, pretend you are explaining to an elder in your community.
  1. What image type would you use to display a screenshot on your website and why?

The best types of file formats for Screenshots are as follows. PNGs, JPEGS, and WebP. This is due to the fact that text can become fuzzy as compression will alter the image.


  1. Describe the difference between foreground and background colors of an HTML element, pretend you are talking to someone with no technical knowledge.

Foreground would be content that user would be interacting with or reading such as text or things that the mouse would be hovering over. Stuff you want people to use.

Background colors would be like the fill of the boxes, or fill of the entire page. It wont pop out because it’s purpose isn’t to grab your attention.

  1. Your friend asks you to give his colorless blog website a touch up. How would you use color to give his blog some character?

You would use the color to define a theme or convey a message through expression of colors. By highlighting certain aspects more like headers or by dividing sections by theme. You can make the background compliment the borders and the text and make it visually appealing. But most importantly legible and accessible for all.

  1. What should you consider when choosing fonts for an HTML document? You should consider web accesbility and default fonts. You should also take into consideration how a font impacts your message. Is it readabil? Will users take your website seriously?

  2. What do font-size, font-weight, and font-style do to HTML text elements? Font-Size: Changes the size of your font. Font-Style: Font-Style changes the font, to different styles such as italics, oblique, normal etc… Font-weight: This determines how thick or thin your characters turn out to be!

  3. Describe two ways you could add spacing around the characters displayed in an h1 element. By adding spaces within the element itself in HTML, Or utilizing the text alignment feature in CSS! + Back to Home