
Reading notes about code for my future reference.

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Reading Assignment 4


To creat a basic link, one must utilize the anchor tags and wrap the href attribute, which links the content you wish to display on the page.

The hypertext reference would be the target that contains the web address or content.

Some ways to ensure our links are accesible to all readers are by utilizing clear link wording, not repeating the URL as part of the link text, as they can be hard to read and distracting. Avoid saying links and keep your links short.


When we describe normal flow, we are referring to the default styling of HTML and CSS without utlizing any reset tools.

A block-level element fills the available inline space of the parent element. It continues until its accomodates the content. Inline element cannot be set on their width nor their height. If you wish to make an inline element behave like an block level element you must utlilze the display: block; or display: inline-block; elements.

The answer to this question is Static Positioning!

Fixed positioning interacts with the other content and boxes on the page making it cumbersome to make adjustments. While absolute is free on it own layer, without impedence or restrictions on it’s position!


A function declaration is when the code is prounounced and defined within the code. A function invocation is when a function has already been declared, however now it intiated to play the script that is contained within the variable!

A parameter is a value that is predefined that needs to met.

An argument is the data that is passed on to functions when they are invoked!


The two benefits from pair programming that appealed to me are increased collaboration and work enviroment readiness. Collaboration is great because I will be able to learn tid bits from other people in languages that I am not too profficent or specialized! It will also help translate into other kinds of work and can even help if I am writing a script for compatibility! Work enviroment readiness is important to me because that will increase my confidence and comfort with my co workers at first. It truly is one less worry. Once I get to the workforce!

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