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Revisions and the Cloud

Local Version Control

A Local VCS entails one database on your hard disk that stores changes to files.

Centralized Version Control

This system is a single server storing all changes and file versions, which can be accessed by various clients.

Distributed Version Control

It works like a CVS but with multiple redundancies!

What is Git?

Its a DVCS that saves every revision made, it also resides on the local disk, it will track changes and since it is backed up by multiple servers it will be hard to lose data.

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-Windows Install Download

Graphical Clients

It includes GUI tools or Graphical User Interface, but can also utilize 3rd party tools.

Cloning on Git

This command allows you to clone an entire repository! $ git clone This command allows you to clone the repository into a another directory! $ git clone mydirectory

Local Repository Structure

Made up of 3 parts!

-Working Directory: The actual files reside here.

-Index: The area used for staging

-Head: Points to the most recent commit

Saving Changes

Files can either be Tracked or Untracked

Tracked files can be modified, unmodified and staged. Since they are part of a snapshot!

Untracked files are in the last snapshot and cannot be modified in the current staging area!…

Files go from Untracked to Unmodified to Modified to Stages and back to Untracked and the cycle goes over.

To check a file’s Status

$ git status

Tracking and Staging a New File

Lots OF CODE! Single File

git add filename

All Files

$ git add *

After you use the aforementioned commands you should see this!

$ git status

On branch master

Changes to be committed:

(use “git reset HEAD …” to unstage)\

new file: EXAMPLE

Once you see this you can proceed to committing your files!

Committing a File

$git commit -m “made change x,y,z”

Commiting All Changes

$ git commit -a *This command commits a snapshot of all modifications to tracked files in the working directory.

Pushing Changes

$ git push origin master

*This command pushes changes from the local “master” branch to the remote repository named “origin”.

*For cloned repositories, Git will automatically give the name “origin” to the server from which you cloned and the name “master” to your local repository. However, these names can be changed by the user.

Stashing Changes

git stash

Great for applying changes and not losing them.

git stash apply Great for continuing projects!

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