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My Thoughts on a Growth Mindset

In my own words

So a growth mindset is one that abhors mediocracy and maintaining the act of being stagnant. Don’t worry I won’t keep using fancy jargon but that was just my definition. Its easy to watch TV its easy to stress about the assignments you have due at 12am tonight and its easy to open your phone to check for the weather, thats where self discipline comes in! We are trained to take the easy way its how our brains are chemically designed. But the brain is muscle in its own sense, where you must train it to achieve the what may seem like an impossible task but simply is a few reps away from being a possibility! We must take our experiences that we obtain over time to refine our selves in a personal and professional sense and once you understand that formula the growth becomes exponential.

3 Reminders to Keep a Growth Mindset!

Minimize Distractions

Check your insta timeline!

Just kidding that was a test!!! We live in some of the fastest paced times in human history with constant bombardments of irrelvant feeds engineered to take out time of your day in exchange for advertisement revenue or into enticing you to buy things you don’t need. How can you combat this? Well by silencing your phone for a designated portion of your day and pushing your energy to productivity! Believe me this is harder than it sounds but like all things take it little by little!

Make it a Habit

JUST DO IT This also sounds easier than it really is but start small and gradually build your way to success! Like for example in learning coding if you don’t have that burning passion already and need to build up that motivation, you can start with 30 mins a day. Learning little by little. Than take that and do it x2, next thing you know your lost on a project that you wish to dedicate more time to and BAM! Your mind is hooked on productivity, or at least thats how it’s worked for me in my experience!

Take Care of You

Take care of your first name -My Ex Chief, US Navy

When I served in the submarine force, I was blessed to a have supervisor that taught me the importance of self care I struggled with balancing my work and life and it took a toll on my productivity. I learned to relax and take breaks. My job wasn’t my whole life. Sometimes you have to rejuvenate the energy that makes you, YOU! I really live by these words and understand that BURNOUT is a real threat in many industries and not just tech and it can happen to anyone!

All of these thoughts are all in response to this piece!

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